HTML Text Formatting-onlinegettutorial

3 min readSep 21, 2020


HTML Text Formatting

HTML Formatting is a process of formatting text for better look and feel. HTML provides us ability to format text without using CSS. There are many formatting tag in HTML. There tag are used to make text bold, italicized, or underline. There are almost 14 options available that how text appears in HTML and XHTML.

In HTML the formatting tags are divided into two categories:

  • Physical tag: These tags are used to provides visual appearance to the text.
  • Logical tag: These tags are used , to add same logical or semantic value to the text.

There are some physical and logical tags which may give same visual appearance but they will be different in semantics.

Bold Text formatting

Any content that is placed in between <b>…</b> element will be displayed as bold text. Here is an Example.

The following word will be in a bold typeface.

Strong Text Formatting

The HTML <strong>….</strong> element defines strong text with add semantic “strong” importance.

This is an important content

Any content that is placed in between <i>….</i> element will be displayed as italicized text. Here is an Example

The following word will be in a italicized typeface.

The HTML <em>...</em> element defines emphasized text, with added semantic importance. Here is an Example.

This is an important content

Any Content that is placed in between <u>...</u> element will be displayed as underline text. Here is an Example.

The following word will be in an Underline typeface.

Strike Text Formatting

Any Content that is placed in between <strike>..</strike> element will be displayed as struck text, is thin line through the text. Here is an Example.(not supported in HTML5)

The following word uses a strikethrough typeface

Any content placed in between the element will be displayed as monospaced font. Most of the available fonts are variable width fonts. This is because different letters have a different widths. For instance the letter w is wider then i. With a monospaced font, every letter will have the same width. Here is an example.(not supported in HTML5)

The following word uses a monospaced typeface

you can use the <sup>..</sup> element for adding a superscript on your web page. A superscript is nothing but the text with the same font with the same font size as the text surrounding displayed half a character's height above the surrounding text. Here is an Example.

The following word uses a superscript Superscript typeface

you can use the element for adding a subscript on your web page. A subscript is nothing but the text with the same font with the same font size as the text surrounding displayed half a character's height below the surrounding text. Here is an Example.

The following word uses a subscript Subscript typeface.

Any text that is placed in between the <ins>...</ins> element will be shown as inserted text. Here is an example.

I want to drink cola milk

Any text that is placed in between the <del>..</del> element will be shown as deleted text. Here is an Example.

I want to drink cola milk

Larger Text Formatting

Any content placed inside the Element <big>..</big> will be displayed as a one size larger font then the rest of the content surrounding it. Here is an example explaining larger text.

The above code will produce the following output:

You can add large Text in the middle of a sentence using this

You can rad also HTML COLORS to more knowledge pls visit onlinegettutorial

Small Text Formatting

Any content placed inside the Element <small>..</small> will be displayed as a one size smaller font then the rest of the content surrounding it. Here is an example explaining smaller text.

The above code will produce the following output:

You can add Smaller Text in the middle of a sentence using this

YOU can read real article on HTML TEXT FORMATING






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